Payment methods

We support two payment methods. Payment options include:  


1. Credit & debit cards Visa, MasterCard and AMEX(Japan only)

Credit card payment for Instant booking

For an Instant booking through credit card, the amount will be deducted immediately from your credit card. 


Credit card payment for Request to book

For Request to book, your card will only be charged upon booking confirmation. You will not have to re-enter your card details.


2. Bank transfer

Bank transfer for Instant booking

You will be given our bank details upon booking confirmation to complete the payment. Payment should be made within 7 days upon booking completion.


Bank transfer for Request to book

After receiving the booking confirmation, you can complete the payment. Payment should be made within 7 days after the booking confirmation is sent to you. 


Bank details

Company Name:  MR Singapore Pte Ltd

Account No: 033-904498-9 (Branch 033)

Bank Name: DBS Bank Ltd (Singapore)